Installations in Nature
Harstene Island Nest (above).
Mazama, WA (above) Nest
This was my second building site. There were sticks everywhere with wonderful bowed shapes, but they were so brittle. This sculpture changed by the second as the light swooped around, smoke settled, and moon shown. Also, as the sticks broke and fell. The heat was also a factor. Once you get going, it's hard to stop. I was thirsty, but determined. This was a true puzzle and very satisfying!
Caverhill Dale's Pothole Nest
What you do when you can't stand hooking innocent and beautiful animals in the mouth at a fishing lodge.
Pacific Beach - San Diego - Nest 1
Pacific Beach - San Diego - Nest 2
Clutching onto the sand being pulled into the sea, into the darkness.
Viewpoint at Caverhill Nest
Perched on a massive, bald rock mountain in the middle of the Canadian wilderness while Turkey Vultures Circled above :|