First Pojagi
This little (18”x18”) diddy is my first Pojagi. It’s made with tiny scraps from my Aunt’s lifetime collection of fabrics plus a few of mine - some bits from trapeze costumes and even an old sponge used to clean up my many spills. Each scrap has a story as does every grouping stitched together in various locations along my travels.
It is currently traveling the world to be in shows alongside my Aunt and Teacher (this is the traditional format - a show is comprised of a group of students taught under a teacher), Patti King’s work. I wish I could remember her exact words, but in a recent workshop she described my work, most lovingly, as doing it all wrong.
I’m excited to keep exploring Pojagi and meeting other artists when this piece returns for a big show at the Pacific Northwest Quilt and Fiber Arts Museum on Whidbey Island this summer. Stay tuned for details!